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Ferry Building in San Francisco by day * March 2005, I stayed in a hotel that was right across from the Ferry Building in San Francisco.  It was a fantastic view, and the ferry building looked magnificant, set against the bay. * 2048 x 1536 * (1.88MB)
Ferry Building in San Francisco by Night * March 2005, I stayed in a hotel that was right across from the Ferry Building in San Francisco.  This is the view at night, with it all lit up.  It was a fantastic view, and the ferry building looked magnificant, set against the bay and the bridge. * 2048 x 1536 * (2.18MB)
Looking straight down from my hotel room NY 2004 * I visited New York in December 2004, and I stayed in a Hotel right opposite Ground Zero.  The view was very impressive, as I was a looong way up.  I took this photo by sticking the camera out of the window.  It was difficult to do, because the window only opened (barely) wide enough to slide the camera through.  The reflection from the glass of the hotel makes the scene seem twice as busy. * 2048 x 1536 * (2.14MB)
Pic of Ground Zero in NY Dec 2004 * In Dec 2004, I was in New York staying in a hotel right opposite ground zero.  They've cleared up all of the debris, but nobody can forget what happened.  People thronged at the public viewing areas just to see what was happening, and it amazed me to see the effect this space still has on everyone. * 2048 x 1536 * (2.0MB)
  Ferry Building in  
  Ferry Building in  
  Looking straight  
  Pic of Ground Zer  
Steering a Yacht under the Golden Gate SFO 2001 * My first time in San Francisco, and I get to take the wheel of a beautiful yacht and steer under the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.  Briliant. * 1024 x 768 * (89KB)
Watching the Fog roll into SF bay Aug 2004 * This photo was taken from a beautiful restaurant in Sausalito in San Francisco bay. I was having breakfast, and noticed a "sausage" of fog pouring in from the sea.  It seems this is pretty much why San Francisco has about 12 different climates. The temperature was about 25C, yet when we drove an hour inland, the temperature was 38C. * 2048 x 1536 * (1.94MB)
  Steering a Yacht  
  Watching the Fog  
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Album last updated on Jul 22, 2006 - 08:03 PM